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The Wisdom Tree



A traditional family tree tells us about family origins and relationships.  The tree is built from genealogical information including family names, dates and locations for milestones such as birth, marriage and death.  A traditional family tree can teach us the names of our ancestors and where they lived but not much more.


A traditional family tree can't tell us about who these people were or the deep-seated motivations that influenced the choices they made or the actions they took in life.


But it turns out we can learn more about the real people our forebears were by studying the more esoteric aspects of their lives -- the hidden spiritual and mystical influences that were active during their lifetimes.  


That's what the Wisdom Tree is all about.


wisdom tree, family tree wisdom, mystical genealogy, genealogy, ancestral memory, genetic memory

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The Wisdom Tree offers a summary of the archetypes present in our lives that may have also been active during our forebears' lives.  Archetypes serve as templates, prototypes, symbols that are part of the collective human unconscious. They represent fundamental ideas, images or patterns of thought that humans adopt and embody.  The hero, for example, or the caregiver, rebel, and jester are 'self types' of human personality that all people understand and emulate.  


Numbers work in the same way: the number One represents the self, whereas the number Two represents the self plus one other, illustrating complementarity, partnering or duality.  Further, since our lives are never static for long, natural processes have been represented as archetypes too.  These universally understood processes can be characterized, for example, as astrological influences where the effects of subtle planetary 'tides' can be described throughout our lifetime.



The Wisdom Tree brings these influences to bear on our understanding of genealogical connections, long standing family patterns and ancestral memory.  The Wisdom Tree offers new insight into the 'track' our family may have followed, often for generations at a time, in response to subtle, unseen forces at work in the world.  


The Wisdom Tree looks to Numerology, the Tarot and Astrology to shed light on a person's family track.  In combination with cultural trends, environmental conditions and historic events (themselves often influenced by unseen forces),  the Wisdom Tree offers an extraordinary level of understanding about who our ancestors really were, what motivated them to act, and how their actions may influence our lives today.



The Wisdom Tree:


- studies clues from the past to describe our living today


- presents a structured, replicable way to describe esoteric influences


- embraces ancestral or genetic memory even if we can't yet explain it all


- draws on the perspectives of experts whose work adds to our understanding


- offers widely accepted interpretations of numbers, self types or astrological symbols


Download the Wisdom Tree background slide deck here.

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